1.how to read the data from XL FILES?my problem is my data file having some commas in data,but we are using delimitor is ?how to read the data ,explain with steps?
A)1· Create DSN for your XL file by picking Microsoft Excel Driver
2. Take ODBC as source stage
3. Configure ODBC with DSN details
4. While importing metadata for XL sheet, make sure you should select on system tables check box.
Note: In XL sheet the first line should be column names.
2.Why job sequence is use for? what is batches? what is the difference between job sequence and batches?
· Job Sequence is allows you to specify a sequence of server or parallel jobs to run. The sequence can also contain control information, for example, you can specify different courses of action to take depending on whether a job in the sequence succeeds or fails. Once you have defined a job sequence, it can be scheduled and run using the DataStage Director. It appears in the DataStage Repository and in the DataStage Director client as a job.
3.Disadvantages of staging area
· I think disadvantage of staging are is disk space as we have to dump data into a local area.. As per my knowledge concern, there is no other disadvantages of staging area.
4.whats the meaning of performance tunning techinque,Example??
· meaning of performance tuning meaning we rhave to take some action to increase performance of slowly running job by
1) use link partitioner and link collector to speedup performance
2) use sorted data for aggregation
3) use sorter at source side and aggregation at target side
4)Tuned the oci stage for 'Array Size' and 'Rows per Transaction' numerical values for faster inserts, updates and selects.
5) do not use ipc stage at target side..............
5.how to distinguish the surrogate key in different dimentional tables?
· the Surrogate key will be the key field in the dimensions.
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